Serbian version below
Serbian version/ verzija na srpskom
The group is on the station.
We have arrived. Cold Polish air and mist - mute first image of the city. We are separating from the group and moving into independent
research. It's the best!
We are making the
first steps below the Wawel hill. It's early morning. Fog is not slowing down. Long kilometers of
concrete switches to the cobblestones, which promises a fairytale look of the Polish
Student Center. A lot of young people are here and if there are youngstairs, it
is never boring.
Main Square – Rynek Glowny
Width, diversity
centuries, every contemporary world and language, leave you for a moment
breathless. We have arrived to the capital, and also the most famous square in
Krakow - The Main Market Square. Scores of people are scattered on the pavement,
like pieces on a chessboard. Suddenly, a dove flew and settled into a flock,
which has scattered on the ground. Somehow, encountering white cab with a newly
married bride and groom that draw white horses. The event is in
progress.There's music, while a group of enthusiasts are demonstrateing Zumba. This
Figure joins a ringtone from cathedral. Old friends meet... They all came to
this city.
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The Main Square |
Café on the corner
I declare, it should
get to know the city from the perspective of food and drinks, at first. After
that, we jumped into the first coffee, authentic Krakow’s
- Youth Space.
A generation of
young beer drinkers - intellectuals, each and everyone of them, sat staring
into "smart" phones, tablets and apps. How to explore the city, where
is good to eat, what to see ... everything is on the "smart". We are
also well-equipped, so we join to them. We order drinks and looking where
exactly we are and where to go.
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Florian street |
Finally, let's try
that famous Polish beer! They say that the best is the cooked one. I protest
with a huge cup of coffee. It is the same - everywhere! However, the smell of
the beverage spreads. Incorrect assessment! Mulled beer with a slice of orange
and ginger, is not bad. On the contrary! Pungent taste is lost, there is aroma
with a hint of bitterness. Even it is warm. I like it.
Passing through the huge
park, with sculptures from the period of Romanticism and Gothic, we are
arriving to a large shopping center. That's where they're hiding shopaholics! I
join the crowd, this time out of necessity. I'm going to the first store and
buy a first decent sweater. A large and warm. Here is definitely needed.
A lot of young people are here and if there are youngstairs, it is never boring |
It is a new day, a
new story.
We start by tram.
Several cell and again we are ahead of yesterday's park.
It is sunny.
Completely different picture from yesterday. The scene is beautiful, but without
the fog. Great tight building lies in the middle of the square, covering over
market. National Museum is hiding a huge paintings of Jan Matejko, the famous
Polish painter, born in Cracow. Dominant colors reveal episodes
from the life of the royal family. It should be visited.
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National Museum of Krakow |
A famous Milk bars
are around the center. The locals go there, we are going too. Food is cheap and
delicious, homemade. We agree to be surprised.
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Milk bars |
In Jewish neighbourhoods
there are the best casserole, one of the specialties of Polish. Carcasses of
bread, hollowed out in the middle and filled with meat, vegetables, etc. baked so crunchy, are especially beloved local food street. We
stop next to the market where they were made. Queue is long. We are waiting for
our slice.The homeless man stands out with us, orderly queuing. He is very polite.
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Casserole |
Quarter - Kazimierz
Who's in Krakow, he
should not feel sory for his shoes, especially in the Jewish Quarter. From
ghostly suburb of Krakow, as it was during The World War II, now there is a
student center and the main destination of young enthusiasts and entrepreneurs.
The map is definitely a prop to be used.
We're crossing the
river Vistula and plunging into the
district which was recorded for a movie set; Meanwhile, we see a part of this
quarter with surprising familiar scenes from films, for example, from the
famous Schindler's List. We find a huge cathedral with a group ofpeople gathered
in front of it, waiting for something. I decided to investigate the case! Entrance
to the cathedral. Today's Catholic wedding. Just as I sit on one of the
benches, the newlyweds come and the ceremony starts. The priest first greets
attendees, saying the long prayers. The atmosphere is festive, everyone is
smiling and waiting for a romantic moment giving vowes, in order to evoke
fairy-tale situation.
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Jewish Quarter |
in a pub - Kazimierz
In these pubs I feel
at home. Relaxed atmosphere and beer that can be found for six zlotys to the
game not to be missed. In the former warehouse of high walls with wooden beams,
which was once a factory, we sit to drink mulled white wine and the boiled beer.
Warm autumn colors emerge from all sides. Clearance and orange light from lamps
abound here at every step.
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Cooked drinks |
We were lucky, exploring
the city. The story with a group of young people strats in the pub on the
corner. One of them offered to show us the city and good clubs. He takes us to
places that tourists know little about. First - pub on the corner, near the
square. Music for alternatives, relaxed
stories and global themes are the impression of the evening. He works as a
bartender in one of them, but he is also designer. He notes that he would love to
see me in pink color clothes. Hat, he says, makes me older. I thanked to him
for suggestions...:)
The next night we
continue in a similar style.
Chocolate shops on
the corner, brought me back to the childhood. All shapes and colors, cherry,
orange, hazelnuts, nobody knows what to choose. I promise to come back in a
bigger company, with my friends. This city is – made for group visits and
demagoguery with mulled beer.
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Manufactures of chocolate |
We finish our tour where we have started. West side of
Wawel hill, where we started was again under the fog. It hides the dragon cave
and the dragon statue. It also hides the legend of the city. The spirit of the
dragon is awake, leaving impressions of the center of culture and asking us for
another visit.
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The statue of a dragon |
things to experience in Krakow:
1. Walk the main square (Rynek Główny) - One
of the largest medieval squares in Europe;
2. Visit National Museum in Krakow ( );
3. Cathedral of St. Stanislav and Vaclav and
castle from the fourteenth century;
4. Visit Wawel Castle (;
5. Florian street;
6. The Jewish Quarter (Kazimierz Jewish);
7. Cupcake corner- (where delicious cakes smell
like at Grandma);
8. A walk by the river Vistula;
9. Visit discotheque B4 (, and maybe - one of the salsa parties (in the Prominent club, the club Forty
Kleparz (, etc.
10. Engage in a story with young Poles (you
will learn a lot about the history of Krakow and their best places to hang
11. Try - boiled Polish beer, the famous
casserole and lody ice cream. Also try a handmade chocolate in chocolate shop - ;
12. Drink a cup of coffee (with chili and
orange) on the roof of the market on the ground floor galleries of the National Museum;
13. Auschwitz (If you have time, you should
definitely see it).
Serbian version/ verzija na srpskom
Krakov - jedna priča
Grupa je na stanici. Stigli smo. Hladan poljski
vazduh i magla mute prvu sliku grada. Kasni je oktobar. Odvajamo se
od grupe i krećemo u samostalno istraživanje. Tako je najbolje!
Prve korake
pravimo ispod samog brda Vavel (Wawel). Jutro je. Magla ne jenjava.
Nižu se
kilometri betona koji neosetno prelazi u kaldrmu. Obećava bajkoviti izgled
studentskog centra Poljske. Puno je mladih, a gde su mladi tamo nikada nije
Rynek Główny
Širina, raznolikost vekova, svakakog sveta i jezika, ostavljaju na trenutak bez daha. Stigli smo do glavnog, a ujedno i najpoznatijeg krakovskog trga - Rynek
Główny. Mnoštvo ljudi rasuto je po pločniku, poput
figura na šahovskoj tabli. Odjednom, prolete golub i smesti se u jato već
razbacanih po tlu. Odnekud, nailazi beli fijaker sa tek venčanim mladencima
koji vuku beli konji. Manifestacija je u toku. Čuje se muzika dok grupa
entuzijasta demonstrira zumbu. Slici se priklučuje zvuk zvona katedrale. Susreću
se stari drugari. Svi su došli u ovaj grad.
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Glavni trg |
Kafić na uglu
izjavljujem da treba upoznati grad najpre iz ugla ića i pića, trenutne zamene
za toplo tlo. Uskačemo u prvi kafe, autentični krakovski - prostor
za mlade.
Smart telefoni
mladih pivopija - intelektualaca, svi do jednog, sede zagledani u „smart“ telefone,
tablete i aplikacije. Kako istražiti grad, gde dobro jesti, šta videti... Sve je
na „smartu“. Opremljeni, pridružujemo se sredini. Naručujemo piće i vadimo
telefone, gledajući gde se tačno nalazimo.
Poljsko pivo
Konačno da
probamo to čuveno poljsko pivo! Kažu da je najbolje ono kuvano. Protestvujem sa
ogromnom šoljom kafe. Ona je ista – svuda! Ipak, miris napitka se širi.
Pogrešna procena! Kuvano pivo, sa parčetom pomorandže i đumbira, uopšte nije
loše. Naprotiv! Rezak ukus se gubi, ostaje aroma sa primesama gorkog. Još je i
toplo. Sviđa mi se.
kroz veliki park, sa sklupturama iz
perioda romantizma i gotike, stižemo do velikog tržnog centra. E tu se kriju
kupoholičari! Pridružujem se masi, ovog puta iz nužde. Ulazim u radnju
nepoznatog proizvođača i kupujem prvi pristojan džemper. Veliki je i topao. Ovde mi je svakako potreban!
Novi je
dan, nova priča.
tramvajem, poput onih socijalističkih. Stari brka vozač, kao da je pobegao iz
Srbije. Nekoliko stanica i opet smo ispred jučerašnjeg parka.
Sunčano je.
Potpuno drugačija slika. Prizor je lepši ovako, bez magle. Velika široka
zgrada leži na sredini trga, natkrivajući market. Nacionalni muzej skriva ogromne
slike Jana Matejka, čuvenog poljskog slikara rođenog u Krakovu. Dominantne
boje otkrivaju epizode iz života kraljevskih porodica. Svakako ga treba posetiti.
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Nacionalni muzej |
barovi su svuda po centru. Lokalci idu, pa moramo i mi. Hrana jeftina i ukusna,
domaća. Pristajemo da nas iznenađuju.
jevrejskoj četvrti su najbolje zapekanke, jedan od specijaliteta
Poljske. Polutke hleba, izdubljene po sredini i napunjene mesom, povrćem i
nadevima po želji, zapečene tako da krcka, posebno su voljena lokalna hrana
ulice. Zastajemo pored pijace gde se prave. Red je ogroman. Čekamo. Ljudi se
tiskaju da sačekaju svoje parče. Beskućnik izdvaja poslednju paru, uredno
čekajući u redu. Kulturan je, ne gura se.
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Čuvene zapekanke |
Jevrejska četvrt – Kazimierz
Ko je u
Krakovu, ne treba da žali cipele, naročito u jevrejskoj četvrti. Od sablasnog
predgrađa Krakova, kakav je bio tokom Drugog svetskog rata, nastao je
studentski centar i glavno odredište mladih entuzijasta i preduzetnika. Mapa je
svakako rekvizit koji treba koristiti.
Krećemo, nošeni dugačkim trotoarima, bez cilja.
Prelazimo reku Vislu i zalazimo u četvrt
u kojoj se upravo snima set za neki film; Negde usput, upadam u jednu od
jevrejskih kuća, visokih zidova i stepenica; U međuvremenu, slučajno izlazimo
na jednoj od stanica tramvaja u delu koji nas iznenađuje poznatim prizorima iz
pojedinih filmova, recimo iz čuvene Šindlerove liste. Nailazimo na ogromnu
katedralu ispred koje se skupila grupa ljudi. Nešto čekaju. Odlučujem da
istražim slučaj! Ulazim u katedralu. Upravo počinje katoličko venčanje. Samo što
sam sela na jednu od klupa, dolaze mladenci i ceremonija kreće. Sveštenik najpre
pozdravlja prisutne, izgovarajući dugačke pevljive molitve. Atmosfera je
svečana, svi se smeškaju i čekaju romantični trenutak davanja zaveta. Sveštenik
proglašava mladnace venčanim. Mladoženja ljubi mladu, suptilno je naginjući ka
podu, ne bi li dočarao bajkovitost situacije.
Utakmice u pabu - Kazimierz
Pabovi nas
osvajaju svojom autentičnošću i bojama. Osećam se kao kod kuće. Opuštena
atmosfera i pivo koje se može naći za šest zlota uz utakmicu se ne propušta. U nekadašnjem
magacinu visokih zidova sa drvenim gredama, koji je svojevremeno bio fabrika, pijemo
kuvano belo vino i pivo uz koje se služi čašica sirupa od šljive. Tople jesenje
boje izbijaju sa svih strana. Izbija i narandžasta svetlost iz lampi kojih ovde
ima na svakom koraku. Privlači pažnju autobus preko puta, pretvoren u restoran,
pun gladnih koji su se našli u jevrejskoj četvrti. Već smo pojeli zapekanke.
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Kuvana pića |
krv izbija iz jezika sličnog srpskom. Pretežno svetle puti, kose i očiju,
naginju severu, a otvorenost mladih i oduševljenje kada čuju da ste iz Srbije
razbija tabue i opuštena priča može da počne.
upoznavanju grada imali smo sreće. U pabu na ćošku započinjemo priču sa grupom
mladih. Jedan od njih se nudi da nam pokaže grad i dobre klubove. Vodi nas na
mesta koja turisti malo znaju. Najpre pab na ćošku, u blizini trga, pa klub gde
se okuplja alternativna ekipa. Muzika za đusku, opuštena priča i globalne teme,
utisak su večeri. Radi kao barmen u jednom od njih, a pritom je i dizajner.
Zapaža da bi mi dobro stajala roze boja odeće. Šešir me, kaže, čini starijom.
Zahvaljujem na sugestijama.
Drugo veče
nastavljamo u sličnom stilu.
Dan treći
Čokoladara na ćošku kao iz bajke čini se kao razuman
završetak kratkotrajnog boravka u Krakovu. Svih oblika i boja, sa višnjama, pomorandžom,
lešnicima, ne znam za koju pre da se odlučim. Obećavam da ću opet doći sa većim
društvom. Ipak je ovaj grad - dušu dao za grupne vizite i demagogiju uz
kuvano pivo.
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Manufaktura čokolade |
istraživanje tamo gde smo ga i počeli. Zapadna
strana brda Vavel, od kojeg smo i krenuli, opet je pod maglom. Krije zmajevu
pećinu i statuu zmaja. Skriva legende ovog grada. Duh zmaja se razbudio, ostavljajući utiske o
centru kulture i tražeći od nas novu posetu.
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Statua zmaja |
13 stvari koje treba doživeti u Krakovu:
- Šetnja glavnim trgom (Rynek Główny) – jednim od najvećih srednjovekovnih trgova Evrope;
- Nacionalni muzej u Krakovu - National museum in
Krakow ( );
- Katedrala Sv. Stanislava i Vaclava i dvorac iz XIV
- Dvorac Vavel (Wawel);
- Florijanska ulica;
- Jevrejska četvrt (Jewish Kazimierz);
- Cupcake corner (gde mirišu izvanredni kolači)-
- Šetnja pored reke Visle;
- Posetiti diskoteku B4, i neku od salsa žurki (u
Prominentu, klubu Forty Kleparz, itd.);
- Upustiti se u priču sa mladim Poljacima
(saznaćete dosta o istoriji Krakova i njihovim najboljim mestima za
- Probati – kuvano poljsko pivo, čuvene zapekanke i
lody sladolede, kao i čokolade u prodavnici - ručno pravljene čokolade ;
- Popiti kafu (sa čilijem i pomorandžom) na krovu
tržnice u prizemlju galerije Nacionalng muzeja;
- Aušvic (ako imate vremena, svakako treba videti).
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Za probati |