Malmo - STORY
It is definitely worth visiting and disclosures. This city lies on the shores of the Strait of Oresund, and it exudes with peace and harmony, like an old acquaintance who freely welcomes newcomers, receives it to settle, and it carefully keeps the Swedes. Across the coast is the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen, about 25km away… connected by Oresund bridge, the longest combined bridge in Europe.
It is quite developed
city and loved tourist destination
It is the end of April and beginning of May and we see the difference.
The days are long but now last up to 21h in the evening. April, they say, was
rainy and cold, and we arrived and caught the sun that Swedes are so fond of,
but unfortunately, have little of it.
The Baltic is an old
wolf, surrounded by cold and winds and it is almost impossible to swim even in
the middle of July. Wind did not stop us, now in May, to enjoy the sunshine on
the plateau near the sea. Coffee shop chain, known throughout Scandinavia attracted
us with its offer of delicious coffee. Well known Espresso House,
hides Chai late that I was delighted with the first sip. Cake with attached
spices and accompanied by cream, is fitting perfectly with taste. Cappuccino,
in a huge cup and milder taste than in Serbia, deserves a price of 4 euros.
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Coffee, sweet coffee! :) |
Structure and harmony! I could get used to living here easily
The only thing that would have ruined the idyll is the time. This
decorated and beautiful country, unfortunately is not blessed with beautiful
weather and sunny days, although it enjoys many other benefits. Out of 365 days
a year, as they say, about 280 is without sun, which depends from year to year.
The days are gray, weather is cold and the wind blows from the Baltic. Pretty
depressing for us, sensitive to the cold. In rare sunny days, the Swedes come
out into nature and the sea coast, enjoying. However, these people are quite
used to cold. Who knows, maybe many of them don’t mind.
During our stay, we enjoyed the sunny days of Malmo and I admit - it was
wonderful. Residents of the town rushed out wearing short and sitting in
Parkview, soak up the sun. July and August are warmest with decent 25 and 26
degrees. In winter, the hard-working Swedes are going in warmer regions and
islands. Why could they not when their standard and the amount of wages allow
Prices in restaurants are pretty high for the Serbian budget, so it is
best to settle in the markets. Typical Swedish food, at least what we tried was
delicious, and how could it not when our hostess made an effort to make our
atmosphere in Malmo to be - at a fairly high level.
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Our hostess welcomed us :) |
We popped down to Lund, a town close to Malmö. There is also a student city. April 30 is celebrated as the day before the 1st May, so we had the opportunity to see many young people in one place, enjoying their time.
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Lund |
Swedes have rather fair complexion, hair and eyes. Women are extremely
beautiful, natural blondes with bright blue eyes. Young people are quite
independent and at the age of 19 leave the family environment. Organized state
which give money to them, allows studies. The city, as well as the whole of
Sweden is extremely expensive and is quite difficult to plan the visit unless
you have someone to welcome you.
What need to be seen in Malmo:
1. Walk along the shore of the Baltic Sea,
enjoying the sun and end up on the bench in front of Espresso House
Visits Turining Torso building - the tallest building in Scandinavia, from
which you can see the whole Malmo
Visit Espresso House, the
famous coffee chain in Scandinavia and try the chai late with some of the
pastries (cinnamon)
Visit Sky bar- where you can also see Malmo
Visit Lund campus, walk through the city and next to the University. Visit one
of the cafes with good coffee and cakes - for example, "Ebbas Cafe"
Visit the center of Malmo - refer to the Stortorget Square, a favorite
destination for tourists
Saturday taking the cocktails at Lilla torg. This is the center of
entertainment and nightlife. Cocktails are great, for example in "TGI
Use the benefits of the bridge leading to Copenhagen - Oresund Bridge
Visit the church of Saint Peter (Sankt Petrikyrkan) Gothic church from the 14th
century. This is the oldest building in Malmo.
Author: Ljupka Katana
Malme - lepotan drugačiji od ostalih evropskih
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Trg Stortorget - centar |
Vredan je posete i razotkrivanja, nezanemarljiv na mapi Evrope. Ovaj grad na obali moreuza Oresunda, zrači
mirom i skladnošću, poput kakvog starog znanca koji slobodno dočekuje došljake,
prima ih da se nasele, a svoje Šveđane brižljivo čuva. Preko puta obale je
glavni grad Danske, Kopenhagen, udaljen nekih 25km. Sa njim je povezan Oresundskim mostom, najdužim kombinovanim mostom-tunelom u Evropi.
Bitno drugačiji od većine evropskih gradova, ali
prilično uređen i pun zelenila, oličenje je švedskog standarda i planski
napravljenih detalja. Sve je upakovano u red.
Skladan za život, sa sasvim mirnim ulicama, gde se ne čuju sirene, bez
rupa na putevima, pukotina na fasadama zgrada, ili kakvog sličnog obeležja ex
jugoslovenskih zemalja, na koje smo navikli. Simpatični zeleni autobusi u
kojima nema gužve, brzi metro i bicikla
koja su obavezno prevozno sredstvo, čine prilično harmoničan saobraćaj. Ima
blagu klimu u odnosu na ostale delove Švedske.
Panorama Malme-a |
Prilično je razvijen grad i voljena turistička
Kraj je aprila, početak maja i već se vidi razlika. Dani
su sada već dugi pa traju i do 21h uveče. April je, kažu bio kišan i hladan, a
mi smo stigli i uhvatili sunce koje Šveđani toliko vole, a na žalost, jako malo
Baltik je stari vuk, hladan i okružen vetrovima pa je
kupanje gotovo nemoguće čak i u sred jula. To nas nije sprečilo da, sada u
maju, uživamo na suncu na platou u blizini mora. Lanac kafeterija, poznat u
celoj Skandinaviji “kupio“ nas je svojom ponudom ukusnih kafa. Poznati Espresso House, krije Chai late koji me
je oduševio već sa prvim gutljajem. Kolač, sa pridodatim začinima i dopunjen
slatkom pavlakom, odlično se uklapa uz njegov ukus. Kapućino, u ogromnoj šolji
i blažeg ukusa nego kod nas, zaslužuje cenu od 4 evra.
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Obala mora je dar gradu - za dnevnu šetnju |
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Luka (u pozadini sa zgradom "Turning Torso") |
Uređenost i sklad! Mogla bih da se naviknem
Jedino što bi mi kvarilo idilu jeste vreme. Ovako
uređena i lepa zemlja, na žalost nije blagoslovena lepim vremenom i sunčanim
danima, iako uživa mnoge druge blagodeti. Od 365 dana u godini kažu da je oko
280 bez sunca, što zavisi od godine do godine. Dani su sivi, vreme hladno i
duva vetar sa Baltika. Prilično deprimirajuće za nas zimogrožljive. U retkim
sunčanim danima, Šveđani izađu u prirodu
i na obale mora, uživajući. Međutim, ovi ljudi su prilično naviknuti na
hladnoću. Ko zna, možda mnogima ipak ne smeta.
Za vreme našeg boravka, uživali smo u danima osunčanog
Malmea i priznajem – bio je divan. Stanovnici grada su pohitali napolje i u
majicama kratkih rukava i sedeći u parkvima, upijali sunce. Najtoplije je u
julu i avgustu sa pristojnih 25 i 26 stepeni. Zimi se vredni Šveđani upute u
toplije krajeve i ostrva. Kako i ne bi kada im standard i visina plata to dozvoljavaju!
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Prilično miran saobraćaj |
Cene u restoranima su prilično visoke za srpski džep
pa je najbolje namiriti se u marketima. Tipično švedska hrana, bar ono što smo
probali je ukusna, a kako i ne bi kada se naša domaćica potrudila da ugođaj
u Malmeu bude- na prilično visokom nivou.
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Naša domaćica se potrudila da nas dobro ugosti :) |
Skoknuli smo i do Lunda, gradića u blizini Malmea.
Ovde se nalazi i studentski grad. 30. april se slavi kao dan pred 1.maj pa smo
imali priliku da vidimo mnoštvo mladih ljudi na jednom mestu, kako se raduju uz
piće i muziku.
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Jedna od najstarijih građevina u Skandinaviji - protestantska crkva u Lundu |
Šveđani su pretezno svetle puti, boje kose i očiju.
Žene su izuzetno lepe, prirodne plavuše sa svetlim plavim očima. Mladi su
prilično samostalni i već sa 19 godina odlaze iz porodičnog okruženja. Uređena država i davanje novca
na studijama im to omogućuje. Grad je, kao i cela Švedska izuzetno skup pa je
ponekad naporno isplanirati dolazak i posetu ukoliko nemate nekog da vas ugosti.
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