среда, 9. децембар 2015.

ČAJNIČE (Cajnice) – A hidden gem, cut off from the world

Serbian version below


In the southeastern part of the Serbian Republic, on the border with Montenegro, in the upper Drina valley, proudly stands this small town. The place of my first steps and my first words. Special emotions tied me to it but not different brighten image (embellished with different paintings). Because Cajnice is anything but an ordinary small town.

Excellent position of Cajnice

They say the name comes from the words tea-water and zero-good, so the name is – a good water. A gem, almost completely cut off from the world, especially after the Civil war when he lost ven connections with its environment. But his excellent position between Visegrad, Foca and Pljevlja in Montenegro, makes it an excellent way station on the road to the sea.

The hills are clustered around the Čajniče basins, such as the giant and the Royal Guard, protecting it from the cold winds. It is located about 816 meters above sea level, ideal for human life, between the mountains Cicelj and Civci hill. River Janjina, the right tributary of the Drina, floating through the town in its thin waterfall.

Hardly anyone stays immune of this harmony of nature. "Little Switzerland", as it is often called, is the most beautiful in spring when nature is awakening and in winter, when all whitens, so the town becomes surrounded by a large snowy curtain. Deep drawn into a valley and surrounded by the hills, then gets a special attire that local memorize forever, even when they go away.

Hikers - are also lovers of beautiful forest of Cajnice

The place is like from a fairytale. Forests of fir, spruce and pine, gives a special touch of harmony. That will enchant you, and you wont wince. If you happen ever applied to Cajnice, you will be amazed at the first look at this hidden town - in a glass of "needles". You'll feel like you're at home. People you see, will be like a relatives or neighbours to you. The hospitality and dignity are their most visible traits, and the empathy and goodness are something that you experience at the second glance. Rarely happens that a guest comes and goes hungry and thirsty from the house of the host. Black coffee is their favorite drink, while rakija is the city's pride and something that almost every host has in his house. The first glance falls on the hill Cicelj and the old hotel "Orient", where they were celebrating the youngstairs 70's and 80's years. A recognizable image at the entrance to the city, the hotel that seemed to lie on the green tapestry of forests, unfortunately disappeared, along with the burned roof. Fortunately, the photos remain.

 Anything but an ordinary town

Food and drink

Fruit and vegetables here are organic. The famous rolls from the old bakery smell in the morning on the street. Blueberries, wild strawberries and the famous boletus mushrooms are the forest wealth of this region. 

Pastry shop called Athens "hiding" admirable ice cream. The owner has a manufacturing and own recipe over 50 years old. When you taste this ice cream, created a symphony of taste and gelatinous on the palate distinctive aroma of vanilla. It remains forever in the memory, especially if you tried it as a child. 
Ice cream from the well-known pastry shop

Picture of celebration and joy are most evident during major Christian holidays - Christmas, Easter or well-known traditional gethering during the Nativity of the Virgin, when the most people come here and the most beautiful images of our city
have been sent to the world.


A Center of the town

Main street Kralja Petra I Oslobodioca circles around a small city center. Here is also situated the Cultural center of town. Whoever comes in Cajnice, without exception, delights the enviroment. The old building of secondary school which was built more than 100 years ago, has distinctive Austrian style and it is still in good condition.

We've grown up here...


People from Cajnice are extremely talented athletes, musicians, writers, singers, folk dancers, dancers, storytellers ... and people who somehow - always and everywhere make a shift. This little place gave birth to a large number of “gifts to the world”, who their first sport (and art) steps began in the hall of Cajnice Elementary School. Cajnice is also (as they say) known for its naturally beautiful women ...
Hiking Society "Vijogor" is very active, and how would't it be, when the town has a beautiful environment and nature. Highly recognized are the folklore society, volleyball and football clubs ...


1. Experiencing the natural hospitality of citizen (they will make you feel very comfortable);
3. Coffee in the garden, in front of the old hotel - on a sunny day;
4. Every major holiday - Christmas, Easter, Nativity (21 September), Labour Day - when the town becomes an image of joy and the scene of meeting people from the city, the environment and neighboring countries;
5. Organic food - in every sense of the word;
7. Enjoy the delights of good beer and other beverages - prices are lower than anywhere else and a good time and fun are guaranteed;
8. Try the homemade brandy - rakija, made by hosts;
9. Barbecue in the meadows around the the city's is unique. The atmosphere is often supplement with music of an accordion or guitar;
10. Visit the pool in the forest with the river water, the complete revelation for the nature lovers;
11. Experience a "green wall" of the mountain Cicelj where also lies a jogging track and a small promenade;
12. Cajnice's forest; It particular smells and has a soul that can not be described. It should be felt;
13. If you are a devotee of hiking, take a tour of the mountains Cicelj (1433m), Čivči hill (1326m) and Stražice (1464m), the backbone of Cajnice's environment;
14. Visit Brezovica and the village Staronici, Ponikve and surrounding countryside;
15. Visit the Temple of the Holy Virgin Cajnice - new and the old church;

Temple of the Holy Virgin of Cajnice

                 Cajnice in winter, is a special sight

                  Cajnice's forest smells especially

Author: Lj.K.

недеља, 23. август 2015.

ATHENS City of two extremes

The city is located  between two extremes: classicism of marble which they are made of, ​​antique poles and urban concrete which current polis are built of. Athens intrigues primarily by its history. The mixed influences of Western and Eastern stories, intertwine through the time and space. It seems that the time has stopped, because the current cosmopolitan city was built on the ruins of the ancient and Byzantine churches. 

We came from the port of Piraeus. Places where the ships are big as buildings, stationed next to each another. We caught the metro. It's faster than it seems. One ticket is valid for the next hour and a half and it requires effort to catch as many output stations. The first is the Syntagma station. 

Syntagma - metro station
Center of the modern Athens and the perfect place for a short break, enjoying the view, listening the music, etc.
It is interesting that, during the excavation of the metro station, many valuable objects were found from the classical period. Later, it become also a museum.

After exiting the metro, we approached the neoclassical building of the Parliament, which dominates the market.
 Small performances of soldiers - guards took place outside. Evzons, as they are called, are traditionally dressed in shoes with large tassels and they are always an attraction.  Next stop is the Acropolis.

Acropolis - Metro station:
It spreads in a beautiful street, with tavernas and cafes. 

From the Acropolis you can see all sides of Athens

Acropolis - museum complex
It dominates on the Plaque, the old town district.  Acropolis, which means - world wall, is the one of the most important monuments of the Western population. His value is reflected in the global architecture - an indispensable and irreplaceable. This fantastic work in marble, was built during the reign of Pericles in the 5th century BC, during the golden age of Athens.

If you want to see all of them, it is the best to go early in the morning or at night to avoid the heat of Athens.
The new Acropolis Museum opened in spring 2009. It was founded on the ruins of the village in the early years of Christianity. It is interesting to see them through the glass floors of the Museum.

Temple of Zeus

There are multitude of people in this place. Especially in summer, when street vendors are competing who is louder. You can get lost in the plaques, and find more interesting streets and you will always find a way. This is the most interesting area in Athens...and my favorite way of exploring the city.
If you sit down at one of the cafes on your own, as I did, friendly bartender will talk about Serbia and Serbs with you.This old city district is definitely the most visited and most charming, in my opinion.


Mitropolia - a unique peace
Following the streets, you will reach the Metropolitan's lavish Orthodox cathedral, the seat of the Greek Archbishop (who is claimed to be one of the most influential people of Greece). It is regularly filled with tourists and Athenian high society. As they say, it is their preferred choice for weddings and baptisms. 

Interior of the church Metropolia

Monastiraki - metro station
This is one of the places that has been neglected for decades. Monastiraki is the place of communication, the market and there is one of the most important metro stations. It has excellent location contributed to the attractions of this city. What is the Republic Square in Belgrade, that is - Monastiraki in Athens. "We'll meet at Monastiraki!" – is the famous sentence. 
Monastiraki station
Fortunately, modernization has not destroyed the charm of the old shops and taverns with authentic Greek music, which are carefully saved here.

Something for shopaholics
Near Monastiraki station, there is the famous street of "Ermou". Global chains of branded clothing and shoes, found their places here. 

Town meetings, goodbyes, smiles, sadness, happiness... Everything happens right here. This beautiful Athens port looks enormous. IT MAKES YOU WISH TO GO FAR AWAY!

 View from the port of Piraeus
10 things to see in Athens:
  Visit Acropolis and Museum complex
  Visit Syntagma, Athens center (metro station and a museum);
  Get lost in Plaka, the old city district;
 Visit Metropolitan's Orthodox temple and a small market (it looks like the perfect place for a short break);
Monastiraki metro station (the most common meeting place of young tourists)
 Port of Piraeus, where everything starts from;
 Street of "Ermou" , which is a paradise for shopaholics;
Try casual "souvlaki" chicken or pork with salad. Well- Known gyros and "Tzatziki" salads are almost inevitable in transit through Greece;
Try a Greek pastry (crispy, warm and filled with chocolate cream);
 Evening in one of the cafes in the center of Plaka.

 July 2015.

Serbian version

Baš tako. Grad je razapet između dve krajnosti, klasicizma mermera od kojeg su sazdani antički stubovi i urbanog betona kojim je optočen sadašnji polis. Atina intrigira pre svega svojom istorijom. Umešani uticaji zapadne i istočne storije prepliću se kroz vreme i prostor. Čini se da je vreme stalo, jer je sadašnji kosmopolitski grad izgrađen na antičkim i na ostacima vizantijskih crkvi. Kafei, restorani i pijace, kao stecišta žive komunikacije atinskog življa, svojim savremenim betonskim zidovima, oslonjaju se na ove ruševine.

Pogled na Atinu 

Krećemo od luke Pirej. Mesta gde su brodovi kao zgrade, stacionirani jedan između drugog i jedan pored drugog. Neprestano pristaju. Nižu se kalifornijski, holandski, američki brodovi... i malene jahte koje plene svojom otmenošću.
Hvatamo podzemni metro. Brži je nego što se čini. Jedna karta važi narednih sat i po vremena što zahteva trud da se uhvati što više izlaznih stanica. Prva je Monastiraki stanica. Linija za Sintagmu polazi odavde.

Sintagma – metro stanica
Centar savremene Atine i savršeno mesto za kratak odmor, sedenje, slikanje, posmatranje, pisanje.
Zanimljivo je da je pri iskopavanju ove metro stanice pronađeno mnoštvo dragocenih predmeta iz klasičnog perioda. Time je postala ujedno i muzej.

Zgrada Parlamenta - Sintagma

Nakon izlazka iz metroa, prilazimo neoklasičnoj zgradi Parlamenta, koja dominira trgom. Mala predstava vojnika – stražara odvija se ispred. Evzoni, kako ih zovu, tradicionalno odeveni i u cipelama sa velikim kićankama, uvek su atrakcija. Neprestano marširaju, okupljajući znatiželjne. Spremnih fotoaparata i telefona, prilazimo, ne bi li se i sami uslikali sa njima.

Sledeća stanica je Akropolj.

Akropoli - metro stanica:
Širi se prelepa ulica, načičkana tavernama i kafićima, živa i nasmejana. Prostire se između ulaza u akropoljski muzej i Zevsov hram.

Akropolj – muzejski kompleks
Spoj vanljudskih ali ujedno i ljudskih razmera. Dominira Plakom, starom gradskom četvrti. Kompleks muzeja, čija karta za ulazak sada već zajedno sa novim muzejom staje 17 evra, svakako je obavezna na listi za posetiti u Atini. Akropolj ili sveta stena kako glasi u prevodu, jedan je od najvažnijih spomenika zapadnog življa. Njegova zaostavština ogleda se u svetskoj arhitekturi - nezaobilazna je i nezamenljiva. Ovo fantastično delo sagrađeno od mermera, nastalo je za vreme Periklove vladavine u 5.veku pre n.e., za vreme zlatnog doba Atine.

Da bi se sve videlo, najbolje je krenuti rano ujutro ili u sumrak kako bi se izbegle atinske vrućine.  
Novi akropoljski muzej otvorio se proleća 2009. godine. Nastao je na ruševinama naselja iz perioda ranog hrišćanstva. Zanimljivo je videti ih kroz staklene podove.

Sa Akropolja se vide sve strane Atine

Zevsov hram
Velelepnu nekadašnju građevinu sada čine preostale ruševine na ogromnoj peskovitoj poljani. Gvozdena kapija prostire se duž celog kompleksa, ukazujući da se ulaz plaća. Ruševine koje vidimo ostaci su jonskih i dorskih stubova. Hram je posvećen, kome drugo nego vladaru grčkog panteona, Zevsu. Završio ga je Hadrijan pa su mu Atinjani u znak zahvalnosti podigli slavovuk koji stoji na ulazu u kompleks. Danas je sačuvano samo 16 stubova od 104 koliko ih je bilo.

Zevsov hram

(najlepša za oko)
Mnoštvo ljudi na jednom mestu. Naročito leti, kada se ulični prodavci utrkuju ko je glasniji. Stecište kafića, restorana, taverni, prodavnica sa suvenirima i svakakvim predmetima.
Možete se izgubiti u Plaki koju čini mnogo isprepletanih ulica i uvek ćete naći put. To je najinteresantnije...
Ukoliko sednete u neki od kafića čak i sami, ljubazni konobar će porazgovarati o Srbiji i Srbima i uputiti vas gde dalje.
Stara gradska četvrt, najposećenija je i ima najviše šarma.

Na Plaki

(najlepši osećaj - jedinstveni mir)
Prateći ulice, stiže se do Mitropolije, raskošne saborne pravoslavne crkve, sedišta grčkog Arhiepiskopa (za kojeg tvrde da je jedna od najuticajnijih osoba Grčke). Redovno je ispunjena turistima i atinskim visokim društvom. Kako kažu, ona je njihov najčešći izbor za venčanja i krštenja. 

Unutrašnjost crkve Mitropolije

Mnogi od posetilaca bivaju opijeni mirisom tamjana i kao hipnotisani, gledajući u ikonostas prilaze stolicama i sedaju. Traganje za smislom i nečim većim od nas samih, spontano se nametne kao tema misaonih tokova. Ogromne ikone prikazane su tako da stvaraju osećaj koje ima dete u roditeljskom domu. Dominiraju krotki izrazi lica i krupne oči, ukazujući na toplinu. Sa leve strane odmah do ulaza nalazi se maleni stalak sa papirićima na kojima se mogu napisati imena za molitvu ili kratka poruka. Jedna od njih glasila je ovako: “Thank you for praying for us.”

Odmah do velike stoji malena verzija crkve iz 12. veka – Panajia Gorgoepikos – Mala Mitropolija”, koja, kažu, ima veću umetničku težinu.

Malena verzija Mitropolije

Monastiraki – metro stanica
Jedno od mesta koje je decenijama unazad bilo zapostavljeno jeste Monastiraki. Mesto komunikacije i razmene energije je i trg na kojem se nalazi jedna od bitnijih metro stanica. Odlična lokacija doprinela je atraktivnosti ovog mesta. Ono što je Trg Republike za Beograd, to je Monastiraki za Atinu. Naći ćemo se kod Monastirakija!” – poznata je rečenica kojojm se mladi dogovaraju za susret.

Monastiraki - metro stanica

Srećom, modernizacija nije uništila šarm starih zanatskih radnjica i kafana sa autentičnom grčkom muzikom, koje se ovde brižljivo čuvaju.

Za kupoholičare ponešto
U blizini Monastiraki stanice nalazi se čuvena ulica “Ermou”. Tu su svetski lanci firmirane odeće i obuće pronašli svoje mesto pa je najinteresantnija kupoholičarima. U samoj blizini ušuškana je pijaca cveća, a nezamenljiv je pogled koji puca na Agoru.

Od Monastirakija se upućujemo na naše mesto dolaska – luku Pirej.

Mesto susreta, rastanaka, sastanaka, osmeha, tuge, sreće. Velelepna atinska luka zrači pompeznošću. Rasplamsava želje i traži njihovo ispunjenje. Možda se jednom i ostvare, ako dovoljno jako zaželimo.

Luka Pirej

10 stvari za videti-probati u Atini:

1.    Akropolj, kompleks i muzej;
2.    Sintagma, centar Atine (metro stanica i svojevrsni muzej);
3.    Plaka, stara gradska četvrt (izgubite se ovde...);
4.    Mitropolija, pravoslavni hram i maleni trg (kao savršeno mesto za kratak predah);
5.    Monastiraki, metro stanica (mesto najčešćih susreta mladih turista);
6.    Luka Pirej, odavde počinju priče;
7.    Ulica "Ermou", raj za kupoholičare (ko voli, nek’ izvoli);
8.    Probati usputni "suvlaki" od piletine ili prasetine sa salatom. Poznati giros i “Tzatziki” salata su gotovo neizbežni na proputovanju po Grčkoj;
9.    Probati grčko pecivo, krckavo, toplo i ispunjeno kremom od čokolade;
10. Večernji izlazak u jedan od kafića u samom središtu Plake.

Natpisi duž puta

11. avg. 2015.