среда, 11. мај 2016.

A short story about Copenhagen

Serbian version below

The Kingdom of Denmark kept a little paradise for itself - Copenhagen. This city was named for - one of the best for living, for several years. Parks and greenery are pleasantly arranged, and they are combined with the port that connects it with all neighboring countries. It is the ideal place, if nothing else - for a short rounds. One thing is for certain: This is one of those cities which I wanted to come back to.

The capital of Denmark is a city of pleasure, full of young smiling people and calm pensioners who sit in cafes near the main pedestrian street. Its name in Danish means - trading port.
Copenhagen is a city of cyclists. A large part of the population use this mean of transport ... and, as they say, truly enjoy it.
We have come across a new bridge, crossing from  "neighborhood" of Copenhagen, the city of Malmo. The bridge is one of the wonders of the modern era and it connects this two northern cities from 2005. Oresund Bridge, is the longest combined bridge-tunnel in the Europe. It was officially opened in 2006.

Falling in love with this city
Copenhagen is a city that I liked as soon as I stepped out of the train. It has its own story and soul arising from, primarily - the royal fairytale architecture and buildings that are reminiscent of scenes from the films based on the novel by Bronte Sisters. If you do not believe me, you can walk next to the castles Rosenborg, Amalienborg Palace Kristianborg I. They delight with their brilliance. The recognizable medieval architecture of these buildings, which have almost all European capitals, shows that kings used to lived here. Their residences were built of the highest quality materials, always with the intention to stand through the time, but also to amaze us. We are passing slowly, almost reverently past them.

Finally we come to the famous harbor, recognized on the postcards - Nyhavn. The beauty of life emerges from this picture: Sailing, colorful narrow building, port, sunny day that we caught, which is not typical for this time of year. Young people are sitting on a wooden fence around the harbor, with their giant sandwiches and ice creams ... This picture reflects the life and invites us to enjoy! AND ENJOYMENT HAVE NEVER BEEN FOREIGN TO US. We easily fit into this cheerful ambience.

The statue of the Little Mermaid
It has been sitting and waiting for centuries. It was made by the brewer Carl Jacobsen, more than a hundred years ago. This sculpture is the most photographed in Copenhagen. Residents of Copenhagen are proud of it because it keeps the motive of Anderson's stories from oblivion and it continues to wait for her prince throught the time. As the legend says, the Little Mermaid sculpture will revive 300 years after its inception. Her tail will become legs, and she would walk to her beloved, while the symbol of the city, through this beautiful monument, once again will be - love.

10 things to see in Copenhagen:

1. Visit the square next to the harbor - Nyhavn (we were lucky and caught a hot and sunny day, unusual for this time of year)
2. Cruising the channel around the city in a small boat, with a lot of members of different nationalities. You will hear the story of Copenhagen and its history in 5 different languages, none of which is Serbian, but perhaps, at the end of the journey, you encounter the girl guides from our region and speak to her, as we did - in fluent Serbian.
3. Visit the Little Mermaid statue on the waterfront. It is designed by motive from Anderson's fairy tale and tirelessly, waiting for her prince.
4. Test ride bikes (all  cycling trauls are modern made bicycle routes)
5. If time permits, visit the park Tivoli, one of the famous fun park with roller coasters
6. Walk through the streets of the city (every corner is amazing here). If you are interested, ask the locals about the history of the buildings. It is interesting to hear the history from their point of view).
7. Try the famous Danish pastries, soft and airy, brewed according to a special recipe taken from Austrian masters (This smell of cakes and you can feel from the bakery).
8. If you are  coffee lover, you have to try coffee and cappuccino, served in large cups, on a sunny day. It lovely fits with the taste of Danish pastries.
9. If you have enough time, visit the city of Malmo on the coast of Sweden, which is reached by combining the famous bridge from Copenhagen.

10. Engage in a conversation with the inhabitants of the city. One of the sellers of souvenirs in the old market, next to the old palace, kindly described the legacy of this historic square. There is also a famous fountain. We threw a coin into it and made a wish, just in case. J

Serbian version


Kraljevina Danska čuva jedan poseban kutak – Kopenhagen. Njegovo ima na danskom znači – trgovačka luka. Ovaj grad je proglašen za jedan od najboljih za život. Parkovi i zelenilo su ugodno raspoređeni, a u kombinaciji sa lukom koja ga spaja sa svim okolnim zemljama, idealno je mesto, ako ništa drugo – za kraću ali sadržajnu vizitu. Jedno je sigurno: Ovo je jedan od onih gradova u koji sam poželela da se vratim.

Grad sreće

Danska je na vrhu liste najsrećnijih zemalja. Verujem da je to zbog danskog koncepta, sadržanog u jednoj neprevodivoj reči: “hygge” (udobnost - cosiness), kojom se objašnjava lepota doma i srećnih ljudi, a koju smo, na neki način, osetile u Kopenhagenu. A možda je za to zaslužan i park zabave Tivoli i njegova bašta za uživanje.

"Hygge" - koncept

Prestonica Danske, grad svih nacija, pun je mladih nasmejanih ljudi i smirenih penzionera koji sede u kafeima pored glavne pešačke ulice. U samoj blizini zabavnog parka Tivoli i Centralne stanice Kopenhagena nalazi se trg Radhuspladsen. Turističke ture na raznim jezicima uglavnom kreću odavde. 

Kopenhagen je grad biciklista. Veliki deo stanovništva koristi ovo prevozno sredstvo ...Stoga - i ekološka svest je na zavidnom nivou.

Došli smo preko novog mosta, prelazeći iz prekoobalskog  komšiluka", grada Malmea. Most, jedno od čuda savremenog doba upravo je onaj koji spaja ova dva severna grada. Oresundski most, sa kojim je spojen sa Švedskom, dug je oko 16km i najduži je kombinovani most na kontinentu. Svečano je otvoren tek 2006. godine. Na samoj polovini puta zaranja u vodu i ulazi u tunel koji vodi ka Malmeu. Ova vožnja do Danske traje ugodnih pola sata i savršen je način da posetite obe zemlje. 

Kombinovani most Oresund

Zaljubljenost u ovaj grad
Kopenhagen je grad koji mi se dopao još od same železničke stanice. Ima svoju priču i dušu koja proizilazi iz, pre svega - kraljevske arhitekture i bajkovitih građevina koje podsećaju na diznijevske, ali i na pojedine scene iz filmova po motivima romana Sestara Bronte. 

"Nepoverljivi" mogu prošetati pored Dvorca Rozenborg, palate Kristijanborg i Amalijenborg, koje oduševljavaju svojom raskoši. Prepoznatljiva srednjovekovna arhitektura ovih građevina, koju imaju gotovo sve evropske prestonice, pokazuje nekadašnji ukus kraljeva. Njihove rezidencije sagrađene su od najkvalitetnijeg materijala, uvek, sa namerom da nastave da žive kroz vreme, ali i da nas zadive. Pored njih, prolazimo polako, gotovo sa strahopoštovanjem. Krećući se putem istorije, stižemo na mesto susreta i prelaženja u koncept - prisutnosti. Luka Nyhavn.

Luka Nyhavn - po danu

Nyhavn u predvečerje

Luka - Nyhavn
Prepoznajemo je sa razglednica. Lepota života izvire iz ove slike: Jedrilice, šarene uske zgrade, luka, sunčani dan koji smo uspeli da uhvatimo, neobičan u Danskoj za ovo doba godine, svuda postavljeni maleni stolovi oko taverni i kafa koja se služi u ogromnim šoljama. Konačno smo naišli na verodostojnu količinu!... Studenti i mladi koji sede na drvenoj ogradi oko luke, sa svojim sendvičima i džinovskim sladoledima… sve vrvi od života i poziva na uživanje! A uživanje nam nikada nije bilo strano. Lako smo se uklopili u ovaj veseli ambijent.

Verodostojna količina kafe :)

Statua Male sirene
Ona sedi i čeka, kroz vekove. Napravljena je, od strane pivara Karla Jakobsena, pre malo više od sto godina. Ova statua je najfotografisanija od svih skluptura Kopenhagena i takoreći, obišla je svet na njima. Stanovnici Kopenhagena su ponosni na nju jer čuva motiv iz Andersonove priče od zaborava. Kako legenda kaže, skulptura Male sirene oživeće nakon 300 godina od njenog nastanka. 

Najpoznatije obeležje Kopenhagena - statua Male sirene

Park Tivoli

                     Maj 2016.

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